Seminar Topics

If you would like Lisa D. Tandoc to provide an informational seminar about any of the following topics to your friends, family, colleagues, or employees, please contact us with your request and list the topic you would like. If your desired topic is not listed, feel free to ask for it in your request.

Basics of Estate Planning

This seminar goes over the basic estate planning tools to see how each performs its unique function to protect you and your family. Learn the answers to the common questions:

  • What is the difference between a will and a living trust?
  • What is probate? Do I need to avoid it?
  • How can estate planning protect me and my family?

Estate Planning for the Blended Family

According to the U.S. Consensus, blended families now outnumber "nuclear" families. Blended families consist of single parents, remarriages, domestic partners, and step-families. A cookie-cutter plan can lead to inadvertent consequences, such as leaving out children from a previous marriage. Discover how developing a customized estate plan is essential to effectively protect your blended family.

Common Ways of Holding Title

When purchasing or acquiring property, you have several choices as to how you are going to hold title to that property.  Blindly picking one form over the other can lead to undesired results.  Adding beneficiaries as co-owners can also lead to adverse consequences.  Discover the differences and effects between holding title as co-tenants, joint tenants, community property, separate property and in a living trust. 

Planning for Kids with Special Needs 

Lisa Tandoc will be conducting an informational seminar with a financial advisor regarding financial and estate planning for children with special needs. We will go provide information to ensure the lifestyle and care for children with special needs are maintained. Sometimes qualifying for governmental programs is necessary and requires customized planning so that the children will not be disqualified from receiving those benefits. We will go over general financial and legal strategies to provide the families their options to protect their children.